Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Scorpio Horoscope: April 2019

In April 2019, the most active areas of life for you, Scorpio, will center around work or health; hobbies, creative projects, dating, or children; communication, your local environment, and siblings, relatives, or friends who feel like family. On April 2nd, Mercury will conjunct Neptune at 17 degrees Pisces for the third time this year. Because of March’s Mercury retrograde, you would have likely seen the beginning of this transit around February 19th, when Mercury conjoined Neptune for the first time. Then Mercury backtracked during its retrograde and had its second conjunction with Neptune on March 24th. April 2nd is the third pass of this Mercury/Neptune conjunction, so hopefully you’re wrapping up whatever this transit was about for you.

Mercury/Neptune contacts can involve lying, deception, as well as miscommunication or being misinformed. However, this takes place in your 5th house, Scorpio, the house of Good Fortune, so this transit will probably not hit you as hard as other Rising signs. Here are some examples of how this could manifest in the 5th:

  • If you have children, at least one of them may lie to you around this time, or simply neglect to mention something.
  •  You may have miscommunications with children that were wholly unintentional on both sides.
  •  You may be involved in artistic ways of expressing yourself, such as writing, poetry, photography, dance, embroidery, making videos, drawing comics or graphic novels, etc.
  •  You may learn more about a spiritual or esoteric topic.
  •  You may teach children something artistic, perhaps through school, daycare, a Girl Scout or Boy Scout group, etc.
  •  If you’re dating or have a long-term partner, you may express your feelings in a more emotional or poetic manner or have deep talks that bond you.

These emotions will be further peaked due to the Moon briefly conjoining with Mercury and Neptune on the same day. Benefic Venus in the same sign may help navigate any challenging Neptune stuff, and Jupiter is in a good position to do the same.

On April 5th, there’s a New Moon at 15 degrees Aries, and this most likely has to do with work; health, illness, and injuries; or unequal relationships of some kind. A New Moon typically means that seeds are being sowed for something that will come to fruition at the Full Moon in Aries six months later. That may be the first time the topic becomes clear; you may not notice much at the New Moon unless you actively choose to initiate it yourself.

April 10th is one of the most important days of the month, with more transits than any other. First, Venus conjuncts Neptune at 17 degrees Pisces in your 5th house, the one associated with hobbies, dating, and children. This is another great day for creative projects or leisure time, although stay alert when dating because sometimes Neptune aspects can signify that someone is not what they appear to be.

Meanwhile, Saturn in Capricorn squares the Sun in Aries at 20 degrees on the same day. This is a challenging aspect; Saturn has the upper hand in this configuration, and it’s spending the better part of three years in your house of close friends, siblings and relatives, communication, mobility, and your local environment. This is also the house of the Goddess, so divination and spirituality are quietly important here, as well as yin or feminine authority. Here are some ways the Sun-Saturn square could manifest:

  •  A sibling, relative, or close friend could be struggling with an illness.
  •  You and a sibling, relative, or close friend could be dealing with what feels like an unequal relationship, where one has more authority or say than the other.
  •  A medical professional may not provide you with updated or accurate information.
  •  You may be dealing with a health problem that affects your mobility.
  •  Something may block or delay your commute to work.
  •  You may be dealing with a difficult female authority at your job.

Saturn is also within three degrees of Pluto here, so it could be more intense than usual, and both Saturn and the Sun are in very strong positions.

But April 10th isn’t over yet. Jupiter stations retrograde at 24 degrees Sagittarius on the same day. Outer planet retrogrades don’t typically signify any great changes; the main time they’re important is when the planet is stationing retrograde or stationing direct. For you, Scorpio, Jupiter is visiting your 2nd house of finances, resources, and possessions. With Jupiter in his home sign, you may see an improvement in your money situation, but take care not to spend the excess funds while Jupiter is stationing retrograde.

Mercury in Pisces also sextiles Pluto in Capricorn at 23 degrees on April 10th, which is a nice aspect for investigative research in general. If you’re single, this might be a good time to learn more about a date, perhaps while doing something mobile like walking, biking, or driving. There’s scientific research demonstrating that men in general are more likely to open up or actively engage in conversation when the two of you are doing something side-by-side, rather than face-to-face.

It’s important to remember that not all of these transits will manifest if the planets are not activated as Time Lords right now. Using the annual or monthly profections technique, you can determine which planets are currently turned on in your personal chart, and pay the most attention to them and the houses and signs they rule. Also, you may experience the symbolism of an aspect within a few days to a week before or after the aspect itself, as it’s building up or waning during those times. The third thing to keep in mind is that all of the aspects in the sky interact with your personal birth chart, so there’s an unknown factor that a general horoscope can’t comment on. For that, you’d need an individual consultation to see which transits connect to your birth chart and which will probably pass you by. You’ll likely notice a decent amount of your horoscope occurring, but not everything will happen to you specifically for that reason.

On April 11th or April 12th, depending on your time zone, Jupiter in Sagittarius squares Mercury in Pisces at 24 degrees. The other benefic, Venus, is still co-present with Mercury in Pisces, so on the whole, this should generate an upbeat feeling, even if whatever you’re taking on is a new challenge. This is also the third in a series of Mercury-Jupiter squares: look back to what you were doing around February 22nd, 2019, as well as March 15th. It should be wrapping up, culminating, or presenting an outcome around this time. Potential manifestations for this transit include:

  •  Spending more money than you planned on dates or pleasurable activities with a partner.
  •  Spending more money than you planned on children, whether they’re your own or someone else’s.
  •  You may be able to start making money off a hobby of yours, though the process might feel overwhelming at first.

On April 13th, Pluto in Capricorn squares the Sun in Aries at 23 degrees. Some lingering feelings from the Sun-Saturn square on the 10th may arise again. The Pluto-Sun square is only likely to be an issue if the Sun, Mars, or Saturn is turned on as a Time Lord.

On April 14th, Jupiter in Sagittarius trines the Sun in Aries at 24 degrees. This is one of my two favorite aspects of the month. The Sun is exalted in Aries; it feels very provided for. Meanwhile, Jupiter is in one of its home signs, Sagittarius, so it has access to all the resources it needs to lend support to work or health problems. If you’re one of those people who has the Sun-Saturn and Sun-Pluto square activated in your chart right now, this transit may provide you with a new solution or way out… or at least more energy and drive to work on it, since both Jupiter and the Sun are in Fire signs. Some Scorpios may see a bit more money coming their way in regards to work, whether that’s a raise, an increase in sales, or being able to drop an expense you once had.

My other favorite aspect of the month occurs a day later, on April 15th, when Jupiter in Sagittarius squares Venus in Pisces at 24 degrees. If Venus or Jupiter is a Time Lord for you this year, you’re in luck. This highlights the same areas of life as the Jupiter-Mercury square, and a connection between the two benefic planets can bring positive things in. In your chart, it’s a good aspect for gift-giving or giving to charity, and can also make for a very pleasant day if your enjoyable activities are done in moderation – one of the only drawbacks to Jupiter in Sag and Venus in Pisces is that they have virtually *no* boundaries!

On April 17th, Mercury ingresses into Aries, your 6th house of health, work, and subordinates, which is seeing a lot of action this month. Mercury is a speedy planet to begin with, and in Aries, the pace ramps up even more. Be careful of injuries or accidents, especially while driving, but you can also use this energy to accomplish a great deal at work. You may deal with youthful employees who report to you, and when doing so, choose your words wisely, as Mercury in Aries runs the risk of being a bit brash or abrasive at times (or perhaps *you’re* the subordinate dealing with a boss embodying Mercury in Aries). Try not to lose your temper with anyone at work.

The Full Moon in Libra at 29 degrees takes place on April 19th in your 12th house, which deals with suffering of all kinds. Full Moons and New Moons aren’t usually enough on their own to cause major issues though. You may experience a culmination in a 12th house area of life that began about six months earlier, during a New Moon in Libra around October of 2018. Potential 12th house issues include:

  •  Dealing with enemies, rivals, or someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.
  •  Mental health issues.
  •  Prisons or hospitals
  •  Endings
  •  Liminal spaces, where you feel like you’re done with one stage of life but haven’t yet found a way to start the next one.
  •  Depression and loss.
  •  Loneliness, isolation, and exile.
  •  Feeling forced or restrained.
  •  Intentionally retreating from the world for a spiritual or personal development purpose.

On April 20th, the Sun ingresses into Taurus and Venus ingresses into Aries. Benefic Venus indicates the chance to smooth over any lingering issues with work or health, which has been a huge focus for Scorpios this month. If you were born at night, the effect will likely be stronger. Meanwhile, the Sun takes on a slower attitude in the sign of Taurus, which has a very different feel from the go-getter pace of Aries. The Sun is no longer in a sign-based square with bad news bears Saturn and Pluto, and is now highlighting your 7th house of relationships.

On April 22nd, the Sun conjuncts Uranus at 2 degrees Taurus. Remember that Uranus will be in Taurus for seven years, and this is one of the first conjunctions it experiences since ingressing into Taurus, so whatever happens when the Sun conjoins it may indicate the bigger picture and what you’re headed towards in the next seven years or so. For Scorpios, this transit means that something new, unusual, exciting, radical, chaotic, disruptive, or unexpected may occur in regards to relationships. If you don’t want this to be an unwelcome surprise, it might be good to cultivate some novelty before the universe does it for you. Here are some suggestions:

  •  If you’re single, this could be a good time to meet someone and spark some energy into your romantic life. They may an unusual person or a type you don’t typically fall for.
  •  If you’re not interested in anyone but would like a relationship, try a new activity or experience this week, preferably with a social group where you can meet new people. This could lead to a relationship in the long run.
  •  If you’re partnered up, you may feel your relationship being tested due to an unexpected disruption. If both of you can come through it together, your bond will be even stronger.
  •  If you’re in a long-term relationship, you may want to spice it up around this time – vacationing with your partner in a new location, buying an outfit you know your partner will appreciate, checking out local haunts that you’d never gotten around to visiting. You and your significant other could take a class together, or do an activity or a sport together. If you’re both creative types, working on a project together could be a wonderful way to kick off the next seven years.

On April 24th, Pluto stations retrograde at 23 Capricorn, within three degrees of Saturn. This transit will only affect you if Pluto’s activating something in your birth chart, or if Saturn, which rules Capricorn, is a Time Lord for you. It’s more common to see Pluto stations play out in larger society than on an individual level, but if nothing else, it could affect your mood. You and a sibling, relative, close friend, or female authority figure may struggle with control or jealousy issues.

We close out the month with a nasty little aspect, Neptune in Pisces squaring Mars in Gemini on April 27th. With Pisces known for not always being clear, and Gemini potentially having a touch of duplicitousness, especially with a malefic present, it only emphasizes Mars and Neptune’s natural significations. Hard aspects between Mars and Neptune have not been pleasant in my experience; they can indicate things like deception, lying, cheating, disillusionment, etc. You may be dealing with loss or separation. It can also feel like you’re trying to run a mile underwater and getting nowhere.

Neptune is visiting your 5th house of children, hobbies, and dating (and has been for years), while Mars is visiting your 8th house of shared resources or other people’s money. This transit is likely to be rougher on those of you who were born during the day.

  •  You may question whether a date or newer relationship is not being completely honest about their financial situation.
  •  If you have children, you may be dealing with loss or separation surrounding them, for example if they’re moving out and going away to college, if you’re newly estranged, etc.
  •  Sometimes it can be as practical as: Your adult children are too old to be on your insurance now, and you’re both worried about it.
  •  You may discover that your adult children neglected to tell you about their debt problems.
  •  You could be figuring out how to combine finances or resources with a partner if dating has started to turn into something more serious, only to discover that you don’t see eye-to-eye on fiscal responsibility.
  •  You might struggle with fears regarding your children or a new significant other.

Jupiter is in a superior position to both Neptune and Mars, so hopefully that’s enough of a mitigating factor to smooth things over.

Finally, on April 29th, Saturn stations retrograde at 21 degrees Capricorn, within three degrees of Pluto. Around the week of the station, you may experience the same types of emotions that were brought up around April 24th, when Pluto stationed retrograde.

Final words of advice: Don’t overspend. Do take charge of any health issues you may be experiencing; do make an effort to start something new and long-term in your romantic life now that Uranus is in Taurus for the next seven years.


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