Jupiter in Cap Part 1 with Daniel Bernal YouTube Thumbnail

Midnight Moon Astrology Podcast #5: Jupiter in Capricorn Part 1 with Daniel Bernal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZOsoeF2HlY Astrologer Daniel Bernal and I explore transiting Jupiter in Capricorn, as Jupiter will be ingressing into Capricorn on December 2nd, 2019. Find out what our outlook is on Jupiter moving into the sign of its fall, as we explore what the different essential dignities mean (domicile, detriment, exaltation, fall) as well as how the bounds and decans affect Jupiter’s time in the sign of the sea-goat. We do a deep dive into the many different ways Jupiter in Capricorn could manifest, and then give examples for each Rising sign, depending on which h ...

November 2019 Astrology Forecast

November 2019 Astrology Forecast

Venus enters Sagittarius on November 1st, ushering in a lighter, more adventurous side to your friendships, relationships, and creative endeavors. It’s a particularly good time for parties or other group social situations. You may meet or interact with people from other cultures or backgrounds, or find yourself traveling with a friend or partner. If you felt more like solitude or stewing while Venus was in Scorpio, Venus in Sag indicates that you may experience a renewed interest in going out or interacting with other people. Venus in Sag is also a good time to set up or restructure an alta ...