How does astrology work?

This is a highly debated question, and there are different schools of thought even amongst astrologers. Many astrologers, including myself, don’t actually view the celestial bodies as causing events; rather they are indicators of what is happening, what will happen, and what has happened on Earth. The commonly used metaphor is one of a clock, which indicates what time it is, but does not cause time to exist. A natal chart (i.e. birth chart) is a map of the sky at the time of your birth, and you can use this map to guide your life journey. But astrology is also a fully developed symbolic language, so having a translator – the professional astrologer – can help mitigate erroneous interpretations.

Astrology is archetypically predictive, which means that each symbol in the chart represents a variety of things, and can therefore manifest in a variety of ways. This is why it’s incredibly helpful to have as many details about your situation as you’re comfortable providing – it provides the context that I typically wouldn’t have with a stranger. Context matters – the birth charts of a king and a turtle born at the same time are going to play out very differently, even if they have similar placements! Elements like where you were born, who your parents are, how you were raised, what sort of education you received, etc., will all impact how the symbolism in your chart manifests.

For example, Mars can indicate anger, separation, and arguments, but can also indicate accidents, injuries, surgery, etc. I recall one time while newly learning astrology, Mars was turned on as a Time Lord for the month, and I thought for sure this was going to mean an argument within a relationship because we were going through a tense situation, and I considered the most likely context in my life when interpreting Mars. However, what actually happened was unexpected and unprecedented: I was in a car accident that damaged my new car, despite having never been in an accident before! I immediately recognized that the symbolism of Mars had indeed manifested as the chart indicated it would, but happened to be one of the less likely interpretations. Sometimes, other details within a chart can point to the nature of an outcome. During your consultation, we will consider a range of interpretations that encompass an archetype, but will also try to narrow it down based on the context of your life and specific configurations in your chart.

Astrologers do not function as psychics; instead we have spent years studying different types of charts and how to interpret the language of the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. While some astrologers may also possess psychic skills, they are two different disciplines. When uncovering what you would like to know, I am examining the chart through relevant techniques, and the information is coming directly from that process. My job is to translate what the chart is conveying. While intuition can perhaps aid an interpretation if not taken too far, the foundation is the astrology itself; this grounds the reading in observable phenomena.


How is the cost of an astrology reading determined?

Astrology consultation costs can vary widely, but in part may be determined by experience and education. From what I’ve observed, a one-hour reading is often somewhere between $100-300. When I was new to astrology and had a few readings of my own, I was surprised at the cost, but you’re actually paying for much more than the 30 to 90 minute consultation. Many astrologers will spend at least an hour of prep time studying your chart, taking notes or writing a report, looking up cycles, and making insightful connections. Getting a spontaneous reading from someone who has never seen your chart before is very different from sitting down with someone who has examined it in depth and outlined the most important points. Astrologers also answer questions about appointments through email, as well as ready your recording, so the time spent on your consultation can often be longer than the one hour that you actually meet with them.

Astrological education is a lifelong process, and often the cost of a consultation reflects the time and money that has gone into one’s studies over the years. You are essentially paying for someone’s expertise in a subject, and many astrologers have spent the same amount of time as a college education or longer on their craft.

I am currently offering “student astrologer” rates while completing Chris Brennan’s Professional Astrologer course. (I’ve received previous training/certificates in the actual practice of astrology, but this course helps me learn how to run a business.) While building my client base, I’m temporarily offering consultations at a reduced rate, so I’d recommend taking advantage while it lasts!


What is your cancellation policy?

Once you pay for a consultation, I begin preparing for the appointment, which typically involves at least an hour of prep time. Due to this, a consultation cannot be cancelled after it has been paid for – however, I’m happy to reschedule if needed. If you can no longer make the appointment, please let me know as soon as possible.


Disclaimer: Consultations are not an alternative to medical, legal, financial, or mental health advice; please consult the appropriate professional if needed.